Marvel’s partnership with Netflix has undoubtedly been a great move for both companies. With shows like Daredevil and Jessica Jones being received warmly by fans and critics, it would make sense.

White Tiger was a legacy hero, she used mystical amulets to channel the Tiger God and give herself superhuman abilities as well as camouflage. She was corru[pted by the Hand and turned.

In the comics, she’s also corrupted by The Hand and is currently a villain – a interesting turn for a Marvel series. Meanwhile the other three pilot possibilities remain a mystery.

Marvel's White Tiger could head for Netflix next August 15, 2016 - 11:52 AMT PanARMENIAN.Net - Netflix is reportedly looking to expand its partnership with Marvel by developing another series.

Rumour: Marvel has shot a White Tiger pilot for Netflix. August 13, 2016 by Gary Collinson 1 Comment. File this one firmly in the rumour cabinet for the time being, but Bleeding Cool is reporting.

Marvel TV: White Tiger protagonista di una serie Netflix? Agosto 22, 2016 di Luigi Parentela Secondo gli ultimi rumor riportati da Bleeding Cool che, ricordiamo, non è un sito altamente affidabile, la Marvel avrebbe girato degli episodi pilota per quattro potenziali serie televisive da proporre a Netflix in futuro.

Move over, Daredevil! There's a new street-level hero in town. "This Is Us" star Jon Huertas has taken up the three mystical tiger amulets in order to become White Tiger, a Marvel Comics superhero with enhanced strength, speed and stamina.

Marvel Comics-Autor und Verleger Stan Lee spielt in dieser Serie die Nebenfigur Stan the Janitor. Figuren [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ] Sämtliche in der Serie vorkommenden Charaktere sind Vorlagen aus den Marvel Comics entlehnt worden, sowohl aus der Ultimate

The first White Tiger Hector Ayala was created by writer Bill Mantlo and artist George Pérez in the black and white Marvel magazine, Deadly Hands of Kung Fu in the early 1970s. Hector Ayala was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

El primer White Tiger Hector Ayala fue creado por el escritor Bill Mantlo y el artista George Pérez en la revista Marvel en blanco y negro, Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, a principios de los años setenta. Hector Ayala nació en San Juan, Puerto Rico. Podía transformarse en el sobrehumano White Tiger a través del poder del amuleto del Tigre de Jade.