Die Prüfung „AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional“ richtet sich an Einzelpersonen, die eine Rolle als professioneller Lösungsarchitekt mit zwei oder mehreren Jahren praktischer Erfahrung im Bereich der Verwaltung und des Betriebs von Systemen auf AWS ausüben.

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role with two or more years of hands-on experience managing and operating systems on AWS.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional 2019 4.2 766 ratings Course Ratings are calculated from individual students’ ratings and a variety of other signals, like age of rating and reliability, to ensure that they reflect course quality fairly and accurately.

Hello Cloud Gurus! The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional CSA-Pro exam reaches far beyond testing in-depth knowledge of the AWS platform and delves into your ability to make decisions in ambiguous situations, wrestle with sub-optimal trade-offs, and tease-out.

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional SAP-C01 Exam Learning Path. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional SAP-C01 exam is the upgraded pattern of the previous Solution Architect – Professional exam which was released last year 2018 and upgraded this year.

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AWS Certified Solution Architect Professional exam applies to designing a cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed system on the AWS cloud. The certification requires at least two-year hands-on experience working on designing/deploying the cloud architecture. There isn’t a better.

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